Uživatelské nástroje

Nástroje pro tento web


Mailbox access

Access to the mailbox is possible via web interface or by using any IMAPS client.

1. Access via the Web interface

Web interface is accessible through the URL

2. Access by IMAPS client

For access can be used any IMAPS / SMTPS client.
Client must be set as follows:

  • Incoming server: students.ujep.cz
  • Protocol: IMAPS (IMAP with SSL, IMAP port 993)
  • Account: eduID (e.g. st11111)
  • Password: eduID
  • Outgoing server: students.ujep.cz
  • Protocol: SMTPS (SMTP with SSL, SMTP port 465)
  • Credentials same as the incoming server

Detailed instructions for configuration for the most popular clients 1)
Mozilla Thunderbird
Windows Live Mail

Do not forget to change fabricated credentials to yours real credentials
en/navod_pristup.txt · Poslední úprava: 2016/09/02 07:59 autor: admin

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