=====Mailbox access===== Access to the mailbox is possible via web interface or by using any IMAPS client. ==== 1. Access via the Web interface ==== Web interface is accessible through the URL \\ [[http://students.ujep.cz]]\\ or\\ [[https://students.ujep.cz]]\\ ==== 2. Access by IMAPS client ==== For access can be used any IMAPS / SMTPS client. \\ Client must be set as follows: * Incoming server: students.ujep.cz * Protocol: IMAPS (IMAP with SSL, IMAP port 993) * Account: eduID (e.g. st11111) * Password: eduID * Outgoing server: students.ujep.cz * Protocol: SMTPS (SMTP with SSL, SMTP port 465) * Credentials same as the incoming server Detailed instructions for configuration for the most popular clients (( Do not forget to change fabricated credentials to yours real credentials))\\ [[en:tb|Mozilla Thunderbird]]\\ [[en:wlm|Windows Live Mail]]